H3 Affiliation

Contact Information



Note: Frivolous entries above may give you a wee titter, however they may also hamper arrangements with external suppliers we will be making on your behalf in connection with this event. In the case of an issue as a result of an inaccurate entry, you're on your own to sort it.

Disclaimer and Liability Waiver: “Neuglobsow 2024” will not accept any liability or responsibility for any loss, damage, injury or trauma howsoever caused or sustained by any participant in any events associated with them. In order to participate in any Hash event, participants expressly waive their rights to pursue “Neuglobsow 2024” and those who have organised the events, those associated with the events, officers, management, or sponsors. Participants are deemed to agree with this liability waiver and to indemnify the “Neuglobsow 2024” against claims, costs and damages.

I consent to these data being stored and exclusively used for purposes in direct connection with the “Neuglobsow 2024” event. I am aware that this form and processing thereof are physically hosted in Germany.

Thanks to Likk'mm for this text (yes we stole it)